Tuesday, May 09, 2006

dear readers,
let me start by apologizing for lack of posts. finals were this past week, so i had to buckle down for a bit. but, im back.
while on hiatus, i realized the lack of comments. not cool. after this monster-post, i better get some.
my brother sent me the link to married to the sea , you should all check out the hilarity on there. and well, if youve ever seen mikwright cards, both inspired me to make these:

many more to come later.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

dear prince,
youve changed your name to a symbol, been known as the artist formerly known as prince, and back to prince again. well i think you need to change it to king. king badass as a matter of fact. youve somehow managed to get carmen electra, and droves of the female species. i guess the whole overtly sexual yet androgenous thing works.

i would love to enroll in the university of prince, and take these courses:
-avian sounds 101: doves crying
-cooking 315k: cream, getting it on top
-hat making 304g: berets of the raspberry variety
-us history: examining partying like its 1999
-feline studies: practicing pussy control
dear babies,
what is it that makes you smell so good? like oatmeal and a dash of heaven. i realize that a grown man shouldnt discuss how he likes the scent of a baby, but we all know everyone thinks it.

on the other hand, get out of my damn face if youre crying, screaming or making a scene. even worse is the opposite smell you little guys can force upon us. aaand tell your mothers to take notes--if youre ugly, no one wants to see/smell you. but by all means, keep breast feeding at cici's pizza and make everyone extremly uncomfortable.