i recently stumbled across your music, and im already obsessed.
if people like scissor sisters, and such, theyll LOVE you.

because im a swell guy, ill share with other peeps.
get ready to bask in the awesomness known as 'mika'. (click the links to play)
1. Love Today
2. Relax, Take it Easy
3. Stuck in the Middle
listen, learn & love.
MIKA is Awesome!
Show MIKA some LOVE by voting for him on AOL Music. He will be featured if he has the most votes by the end of March - GO VOTE NOW!
Also, check out my post here.
^ who is that guy? hmm.
anyways, i didn't think i'd like this guy's music, but now it's stuck in my head. comes in handy when i need to tune out my boss at work.
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