you reaaally piss me off.
you look like a walrus, sound like a walrus, probably smell like a walrus, and are about as valuable to society as a walrus.

you write books about weight loss, however youre no crown jewel yourself, mr.mcgraw.
another thing you go OOON and OOON about is relationship advice. because youre such the 'expert' on the issue, i really want your marraige to fail. youre too pompus & too sure of yourself. its aweful.
WES-i know you wrote about TJ sooo long ago but he was on DANCELIFE the other night because apparently his sister is stacy from the show. AND i got so happy cause i recognized him just because of your blog!
im glad i could be of informative goodness.
im sad i missed you the other weekend though! come back soon, so we can BOOM has nothin on lorrie anne
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