deal or no deal,
could you
be a crappier show? i submit NOT.
i dont know how people sit through an episode. all thirty minutes consist of a greedy-hyper-money lovin-retard, picking numbers.
theres no strategy, thinking, or entertainment ANYWHERE.

howie mandel, the host, only gives people "fist love" because hes obsessive compulsive and doesnt shake hands with anyone (no joke.) news flash howie, if youre gonna be OCD, dont host a show where you have to greet strangers. just a thought.
right, but what about mark sommers? he is ocd and was the host of the much beloved double dare. getting pies thrown in your face is probably his nightmare and yet he stayed on the show. it's actually hilarious to watch old episodes now i know hes ocd and watch the panic in his face when he realizes hes about to get a pie or some other shizz thrown on him.
hahaha. very true.
he probably didnt do so well with 'what would you do?' either.
i think you should know about these gems i found while googling "howie mandel ocd" for emily this weekend. he shaved his head because he was afraid of the germs that could grow in his hair. also he makes someone take the sheets off his hotel bed WITH TONGS. AND THEN he makes them put 20 towels in his room so he can make a path with them so he can step on the towels instead of the dirty carpet. what a weirdo.
oh wow. im speechless.
howie mandel for president!
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