you have got to be the most rediculous show ever created.
soap operas are pretty worthless to begin with, but you take it to the next level.
ive gotten the privledge of catching bits and pieces of you, and wish i could have those minutes back.
heres where you bewilder me:

first, it seems to me your storylines are just straight up bizarre and unecessary. case and point, pictured above, some kind of tarzan/lost island story? im not thrown off, b/c one of the only consistent things on the show are scenes with random shirtless dudes. i guess the wardrobe ppl know that housewives and post-menapausal ladies loves them some bare-chested latinos.

ok, this is also amazing.
apparently, there is a witch, and her sidekick is a midget. err, i mean
'little person'.
thats somethin id LOVE to see....more-so the hobbit than the lady, but beggers cant be choosers.

and here, we have who i think is a main character of the show. and i cant look at her too long without going into a trance. upon my first look, i made the connection. she is definitly of pug descendance.
if anyone knows anything about this circus act of a show, fill me in.