dear bob barker,
i want to be you!
youre about 93 years old, and still rockin the most feminine microphone ever seen. you still have 'barkers babes', except without those damn lawsuits that came along with those uptight blondes of years past. i mean, i agree with you. whats wrong with little sexual advances like, "oh. hey lady. how bout you go 'showcase showdown' on THIS!"
also, youve gone so far on the tanning, you look like a negative. i bet your instant messenger name is something like silverfox69. here are some celebrities who wish they were as melignantly blessed:

you can never be replaced as host on the price is right.
I decided to check ol' Bob out on IMDB and I found this: He Earned a red belt in tang soo do karate under Chuck Norris. That makes him that much cooler.
woah. im suprised the universe didnt impload when those 2 joined forces of awesomeness.
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