you are the best thing ever invented.
a stick with cotton ends?!? who'da thunk such a little tool could bring me so much pleasure.
its purely orgasmic when i use you after a shower. my eyes roll back, my toes curl, and i sometimes light up a cigarette afterwards.

although i love you, and youve been with me for 22 years, i recently saw something called
murine ear drops. this product looks like a faithfull q-tippers dream. supposedly, you put drops in your ear, and wait a few minutes, then stick a bulb-like contraption in there.

looks a little intense, but hey, cant be any worse than when i get in there with the tip-of-tha-Q, and go far enough to grab brain matter.
that pic gets bumped up to one of the more disturbing pictures i've been unfortunate to witness.
disturbing b/c shes obviously LOVIN' the ear cleaning experience.
im sure i look much worse while im doing the same activity. trust.
Wes I know you and I have talked about this, but I just wanted to say publicly this is the best post ever, hands down.
Not only is it handled well, it's the most deserving object ever. I use at least 3 Q-tips every day and always go in too far...
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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