what the hell kind of psycho-tropic drug were people on when they created you?
i caught a few minutes of your show on PBS on saturday, watched, & tried to figure out what in gods name i was seeing.
thanks to wikipedia, i learned it was from the people who made
teletubbies (go figure).
i also learned this:
"...The Boohbahs are five furry, gumdrop-shaped creatures played by actors in full body costumes. Their thick, shimmery fur sparkles with tiny lights; their Kewpie doll style heads are hairless and feature big eyes with rows of lights for eyebrows. They do not speak, but instead make noises like squeaks, squeals, "poofs", and clicks. The Boohbahs can retract their heads into their furry necks. Each Boohbah is a different color. They are:
* Humbah (Yellow)
* Zumbah (Purple)
* Zing Zing Zingbah (Orange)
* Jumbah (Blue)
* Jingbah (Fuschia)
The Boohbahs can fly; part of their routine is to assemble into a circle, holding hands like skydivers. Each then emits a different musical note as a flash of colored light (matching the Boohbah's color) is sent out from their heads to a central point."
ooooooooooh, ok. its all making sense now. i mean, whats more normal/educational than some furry, penis-headed, squeeking 'zang-zangs' and 'joombahs'? i dunno.

i miss the days of sesame street and mr.rogers.