Sunday, September 17, 2006

dear jack-in-the-box,
nowadays, i usually hate comercials b/c their either loud, pointless, too fast, or aweful in many other ways.
but your comercials always seem to entertain me.
kudos for your most recent, where the cheerleader was hired in the office to boost moral. i laugh everytime shes dancin infront of the copy machine.
i tried to find it on youtube, but no luck.
everyone just pause your tivos, set your dvrs, and pop in a tape. its worth the watchinz.
however, resume regular tv watching w/out paying attention to comercials before the head-on (apply directly to the forehead) ad comes on...its the worst!

dear fall '06,
youre the reason i havent written a letter in about 2 weeks, and i hate you right now.
i have no extra time, and NO extra energy.

basically, my schedule keeps me preoccupied and stressed all week, with little reprieve.
whats even worse, im taking a life drawing class (which i love), but ive had my fare share of sketching foo-foo nests, lady businesses, and old man-balls to last me looong enough. also, because i go through about 3 charcoal sticks per session, i come out lookin' like this.
so bare with me.....and countdown the days til christmas break.

Monday, September 04, 2006

dear kathy lee gifford,
today is probably your least favorite holiday.

hey, somebody's gotta embroider those size 32 sweatpants and matching sweater with the K.L.Gifford insignia. preferably some kids, right?